My Philosophy

Tips, tricks and products are the bells and whistles of organizing, but at the heart of it all is positive change, and that arc of transformation is ultimately a human story. I care about your narrative and how we can move you from the one that’s frustrating you now to the one you want to create.

There’s many approaches to feeling better, and my work focuses on restoring the state of your physical environment. We’re visual creatures and what we see around us affects how we feel. That’s the switch I help you flip, and whatever means we use to get it done is not as important as the story, the process of how we got there and how it liberates you to get on with what you want to do next.

I’d like you to take ahold of this existential perspective for a moment. It de-emphasizes self-judgement and admonishment and places what getting organized is all about in a wider, more shared arena of what it is that helps us all deal with the never ending vicissitudes of life. To break it down, getting organized is about taking care of yourself. It’s that simple.

It’s developing the habit of periodically reviewing and updating all the things you need to manage so you can stay grounded and focused. It’s giving yourself beats to step back, take stock, and re-group. The upshot is you have more time, space and peace of mind to do what you want and need to do on an ongoing basis.You’re nurturing your own well being, which is primary to being available to all the people and things in your life that require your attention.

The hands-on practicality of organizing is also very simple.You’re managing your stuff so it’s only what you use, enjoy, and can keep in good condition. It all fits comfortably in the space you have and you can find it. And there’s enough room to imagine your goals and give them a shape.

If this isn’t the reality then it’s time to grab the bull by the horns. This is the part that so many people dread. But with the right attitude, it can be fun and fascinating because it’s a treasure hunt and a creative process. It’s also rewarding because those piles of clutter are converted to re-use. What you purge you give away or re-cycle. What you keep is meaningful enough to re-integrate back into your life. In all cases it’s closure and self-discovery – and that’s extremely liberating.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not your stuff. Your stuff is not your life. Your life is your experiences. So own only what you truly need and love, take good care of it, and let it feed you.

This all sounds great! But what I hear the most often is the word “overwhelmed.” It’s really difficult to go at it alone.

What I do is lead you across the great divide. Making improvements is getting from point A to point B, but the expanse can be daunting because you have to enter the zone of unfamiliarity to get to the other side. Things being shifted around is an upheaval and it can be disorienting. But because I’m very comfortable with the process of transformation, I can walk you through it. Often I can make a difference very quickly and the relief can be immediate and direct.

Giving this sense of freedom and domain back to you is a shared joy and why I’m here!

Ethical Organizing

Our work together is a partnership and these are the pillars of my organizational projects.

I protect your privacy.

I’m nonjudgmental.

I treat your belongings as if they’re my own.

I respect your feedback and decisions.

I keep all those immediately affected by our work together in the loop. (For example your live-in partner has a right to know if I’m going be rearrange the linen closet;).

I’m here to listen & motivate.

I’m committed to open & honest communication.

I focus on making the process fun, inspiring & rewarding.

I work with holistic awareness encompassing the individual, community, & environment.

How we Work

We begin with a free 15 minute phone consultation.

You read and sign a simple guideline agreement.

Then it’s pay as you go.

We work side by side during on site sessions.

Payment is due at the end of each session.

Hour minimum for sessions = 3 hours.

Cancellation notice = 36 hours.

Spacial Rehab LLC serves clients in NYC, the Bay Area and Austin, TX.